How do we achieve good learning outcomes and evidence based results?
The principle objectives of the our workshops are aimed at:

MMAP Workshops have successfully embedded an Organisational Change Model as part of long term courses & modules.
DEFINE – What do we want to improve on? (Skillsets, Pro Social Behaviour, Relationships, Positive Mood States)
DISCOVER – The Good things we’ve got to work with (Ability to Sing, write, support others, Interpersonal Skills)
DREAM – Imagine how life would be if more of the above was to happen
DESIGN – What do we need to be doing differently - Start doing, stop doing, keep doing
DESTINY – Investment, route, project, mental map has shifted, autonomy & good practice
Note: Quinton will communicate that learners should speak to a trusted adult if they were affected by any of the issues raised.
Learning Outcomes
Throughout our Music, Mentoring, Arts & Poetry Workshops our aim is to share knowledge, nurture skills, identify strengths and foster expertise.
The facilitators at MMAP Workshops understand the importance of measurable achievements and how Learning Outcomes play a Key Role in assessment and evaluation.
Our Course Objectives have a strong focus on how our learners can apply their new knowledge in a Real World Context.
We work with a Wide Range of Young People and Adults from a cross section of society including varied backgrounds and demographics. Our learners include mainstream pupils, excluded referrals, mature students and more.
We have listed some of our evidence based learning outcomes as bullet points below:
Our MMAP Learners have
• Demonstrated an ability to interact and work with other Students
• Displayed a good understanding of the basics of Poetry & Songwriting
• Illustrated how to create Mind Maps, Diagrams, Flyers and Artwork
• Understood how to visualise Long and Short term Goals
• Vocalised Critical Thinking and Formative Feedback
• Identified methods of effective communication using Creative Writing
• Applied basic conflict Resolution, De-escalation, Mediation and Debate practices
Excluded Pupils/Young Offenders & Referrals
A recent evidence based report led by Council Leaders and Police Officers including a Chief Inspector and a Project Development Manager found that the Young People we had connected with on a recent project demonstrated
• Reduced risk level for involvement in serious violence and gang activity
• Improved Mental Wellbeing
• Increased self-confidence
• Improved awareness of Gang Stereotypes in Music
• Improved Music/Lyric Creation and Production Skills
Contact Us to learn more about our Learning Outcomes and Evidence Based Results
Throughout our Workshops, the tutor will consistently reinforce core British values such as respect, tolerance, democracy and the U.K Rule of Law, whilst observing functional skills including English, reading, listening and comprehension, along with communication skills.
Continuous assessment will be made via observation and note taking. Active Inclusion, formative feedback, interaction and engagement will be encouraged consistently.