MMAP Workshops was initially set up as a subsidiary of Knife Crime Victim support - KCVS is an online initiative that supports those in the community who have been directly affected by Knife Crime, Gang Activity and Serious Youth Violence
Founded in January 2018 KCVS is deeply embedded in Alternative Provision, Preventative Work and Early Intervention Initiatives.
Quinton felt that it was best to separate the Charitable work from the educational initiatives and subsequently he created Music, Mentoring, Arts & Poetry!
Since then MMAP Workshops have worked closely with County Councils, Police Forces and Youth Organisations across the Country including Hertfordshire, Essex, Cleveland and Northamptonshire.
MMAPs founder, Quinton, is an Award Winning Youth mentor, Columnist and Public Speaker (BBC, iTV, Herts Radio) he often hosts/performs at Conference and seminars that address youth work practitioners, teachers and other professionals as well as attending and delivering extra curricular workshops at schools, colleges and universities. Quinton also sits on the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion board for Essex Police.
Quinton and his team work across the UK with Ex Gang Members, Disaffected Youngsters, those with Adverse Childhood Experiences & Excluded CYP with a heavy focus on Rehabilitation, Transformative Behaviour and Desistance. KCVS operates wholly as a Victim Support Initiative since sharing its workload with its sister company MMAP WORKSHOPS (Music, Mentoring Arts and Poetry)
We have previously partnered with Northampton's CIRV (Community Initiative to Reduce Violence) and Lisa Lashes School Of Music - assisting with Mentoring and Educational interventions, including working with some of the most vulnerable and at-risk young people in the county. Parts of the many cohorts that joined us were referred to LLSOM, MMAP and Partners as part of their alternative provisions programme.

KCVS have also collaborated with Hertfordshire County Council and the Herts Police led Gangs and Schools Teams to provide Creative Writing & Music Production courses.
Our reputable courses have helped young people express their thoughts and feelings through Music Production and Lyric Writing, WITHOUT glorifying or glamourising gang affiliation or serious youth violence.
We have seen court orders revoked, desistance, apprenticeships offered and subsequent progression into semi independent living because of engagement with our long term courses.
MMAP Workshops specialise in encouraging Young People & Adults to Process their environment & gain further insight into varied Societal Issues such as: Gangs & Knife Crime Awareness, County Lines, Hate Crime, Racial Disparity, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Internet Safety & More.
MMAP Workshops is a subsidiary of Knife Crime Victim Support