...who approaches writing with sensitivity and humility. He demonstrates a deep understanding of Social Issues that affect various groups and individuals within the wider community. A published writer & columnist (Unicef, Celebrate MK, BBC) Milise uses his platform to position himself as a voice for the voiceless.
Since writing what he calls his flagship piece “Knife Sentence” Mr Milise (Real Name Quinton Green) has partnered with Prison Reform Services, Charities, Church Groups, Police Forces and County Councils to help Young People and Adults articulate and express their thoughts, feelings, anxieties and frustrations through creative writing.
As a professional Youth Mentor he has collaborated with Hertfordshire Constabulary, Cleveland Police Crimes Commission, Essex Police and Northampton (CIRV)
Mr Milise's work is recognised by news outlets across the country.
Mr Milise has also been commissioned by BBC Northampton Radio to write a piece that reflects the rich history of his home town Northamptonshire.
Mr Milise has a particular interest in working with Young Offenders to help change anti social beliefs, behaviours and attitudes.
He feels it’s important to inspire, nurture aspirations and advocate positive mood states
Having come from a disaffected background with adverse childhood experiences and falling into brief spells on the wrong side of the law, Milise is keen to use his lived experience to help improve the trajectory of Young People and Adults that have found themselves in a cycle of recidivism.
From ITV, BBC Look East & Look North

Mr Milise spoke to the BBC recently and said: “I like to think that I have positioned myself as a real example of change. A few years ago I never thought I'd be doing what I'm doing Today and working as a Professional Youth Mentor and Public Speaker in partnership with The Police ”
The founder of Knife Crime Victim Support has seen real results since collaborating with Local Authorities as part of his “Music, Mentoring, Arts & Poetry” Initiative.
He has seen Young People that he has worked with enrol in college, progress into semi independent living, sign up for apprenticeships and have court orders revoked for 100% attendance and excellent engagement
"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect"
Anaïs Nin
Knife Sentence: Original Version
Knife Sentence: A Poem By Us. Written by Quinton, Performed by the People
Mr Milise’s Charitable Initiative
(Knife Crime Victim Support)
Knife Crime Victim Support is one of the most prominent and active Anti Knife Crime Groups across Social Media. We specialise in Supporting those in the Community that have been directly affected by Knife Crime, Gun Crime, Gang Activity and Serious Youth Violence.
Founded in January 2019 "KCVS" is deeply embedded in Alternative Provision, Preventative Work and Early Intervention Initiatives. The Team consists of Youth Workers, Videographers, Musicians, Producers and Mentors Qualified in CACHE Level 2 Certificate In Understanding Behaviour That Challenges, Sociology, NCFE Level 2 Certificate Equality & Diversity, Safeguarding & Prevent, Youth Work Certificate Level 2, Coaching & Mentoring, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Early Trauma. NCFE Level 2 - Understanding Children & Young People's Mental Health. We also work closely with an in-house Psychotherapist who assists us with Prevent and Short/Long Term Course Exit Strategies.

KCVS have worked closely with County Councils & Police Forces across the Country including Hertfordshire, Essex and Northamptonshire. We have partnered with with Northampton's CIRV (Community Initiative to Reduce Violence) assisting with Mentoring and Educational interventions, Hertfordshire County Council and the Police led Gangs and Schools Teams.
Knife Crime Victim Support Founder Quinton, is a much publicised Youth Mentor, Columnist and Public Speaker (BBC, Herts Radio, ITV) and often Hosts/Performs at Conferences and Seminars that address Youth Work practitioners as well as attending Schools, Colleges and Universities.
We work across the UK with Ex Gang Members, Disaffected Youngsters, those with Adverse Childhood Experiences & Excluded CYP with a heavy focus on Rehabilitation, Transformative Behaviour and Desistance. KCVS shares its Workload with its Sister Company MMAP WORKSHOPS (Music, Mentoring Arts and Poetry)